Archive | April 2009

The Danger of Dissatisfaction

When you think about the beginning when Adam and Eve walked in the Garden of Eden, it is difficult to imagine how Eve could experience dissatisfaction. Afterall, she had perfect fellowship with God, with Adam and with the animals. Adam and Eve had perfect health – no arthritis and no swine flu worries. There wasn’t a need that wasn’t met! Yet, the serpent came along and planted a seed in Eve’s mind that perhaps God was withholding something good from her. Perhaps this one thing  was the one thing  that would make her life perfect. How incredible that seems to us! But it is true, Eve was deceived and began to feel dissatisfied and this led to the fall of man.

Dissatisfaction with what God has given us or with where He has us at any given time can lead to a fall. When you begin to feel dissatisfied with your spouse, your children, your finances, your job, your church – run into the presence of God where He can satisfy your soul.  Think upon the things in your life you can be thankful for and praise God for them. As He fills you with His love, you will find yourself satisfied with a satisfaction beyond anything you can experience from any one or any thing else. 1 Timothy 6:17 tells us God gives us all things for our enjoyment. But we need to allow our God to give us our place and the things He desires for us. When we do this, we can ask for His wisdom to change the things we would like to see changed yet enjoy where we are while on the way to where He may be taking us.

Request:  I am working on a new book and would like to solicit your help. I would like to hear from you about the things that pop into our lives and minds to tempt us to be dissatisfied. It can be things you have experienced or things you have seen others experience. Thank you for your input.

Moody Air Force Base – More Great Ladies!

I returned home Sunday night after spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the Moody Air Force Base ladies in Ray City, GA at a Christian renewal campsite known as Camp  Tygart. We had a wonderful time as God’s presence was so very strong in our midst. I am overjoyed to have witnessed many women responding to the light of God’s Word and Spirit as He moved into the crevices of their hearts to expose those things that they needed to let go of. What a wonderful and loving God we have who will so gently perform surgery on us in order that we may have an opportunity to live the abundant life Christ came to give us!  Linda, who was in charge was a sweetheart with a warm heart for God and His women at Moody. What a pleasure to meet them all. I do hope to continue to grow in friendship with the ladies I have met there. It is an amazing thing how you can love someone you know for only a few days. That is available only by the Spirit of God. God dwells in me and I know it must be His love that He has for them permeating my soul with love for them. It would be so unnatural for an unbeliever but I truly can say “I love you” to these women and mean it. As sisters in Christ, we can love one another almost instantly upon meeting one another. It is supernatural! I love how God transforms us and is forever loving others through us as we die to our own selfishness and focus on Him and those whom He loves. Have you experienced this supernatural love towards your sisters in Christ?

What a great time with the ladies of Fort Leonardwood

It has been a really busy spring with housetraining a new puppy and preparing for three spring conferences, but I am loving every minute of it! These things have slowed me down in regards to getting a regular schedule going for blogging, but I promise you that I am working on that. I do so desire to connect with you on a regular basis through blogging.

This past week, I had the honor and privilege to share four messages with the ladies from Fort Leonardwood, MO. They held a conference in the mountains just a few miles from Branson and it was indeed an incredible time! The lodge we stayed in was built from the most beautiful wood and the interior decoration created an ideal atmosphere for the presence of God to move and bring peace to our souls. There were 35 awesome ladies present and I so enjoyed the opportunity to talk on a personal level with these ladies in addition to encouraging them with the Word of God. What a great group of women they have at Fort Leonardwood!!! My prayers and my admiration goes out to them as they are on the front lines of the battle as military soldiers and soldiers spouses protecting our freedom and fighting for freedom of those who are oppressed around the world. They have been ordained by God for such a time as this for the mission of advancing His kingdom in places such as Afghanistan where the gospel had not been preached openly for some 750 years before our soldiers were deployed to that land. God’s purpose is being fulfilled in it all and I pray for our military and their wives and families to obtain eternal rewards for their sacrifice along with the military personnel themselves. I would ask everyone who reads this blog to do the same. May God’s favor and blessing be with them forever!